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  1. People with an impairment in the Netherlands

    The Minister and Secretary of State for Health, Welfare and Sport put three questions to The Council for Public Health and Health ...

    Publication | 19-01-2006

  2. From knowing to doing

    The dissemination of best practices in the care sector is taking place far more slowly than is generally thought advisable. It is ...

    Publication | 31-05-2005

  3. Medical diagnosis : opting for expertise

    At regular intervals, concerns crop up in public and political life about certain kinds of alternative medical treatments and ...

    Publication | 19-05-2005

  4. Tenable Solidarity in the Health Care System

    Solidarity in the health care system is a great good, as it helps to make the system open to everyone.The main topic of this ...

    Publication | 28-04-2005

  5. The Prevention Concert

    This report is an international comparison of the organisation of public health in the Netherlands, Germany, England, Hungary, ...

    Publication | 25-03-2005

  6. Acute Care

    A reorganization of acute care would enable more lives to be saved. Acute care is usually a subject of great interest. That is ...

    Publication | 18-12-2003

  7. The preferences of healthcare customers in Europe

    The focus of this study is the customer. Does the ‘European’ healthcare customer really exist? There are significant differences ...

    Publication | 04-12-2003

  8. Shifting of tasks

    A variety of professional groups are employed within the health service.The way in which they have divided tasks among themselves ...

    Publication | 13-01-2003

  9. Caring for Europe

    The government of the Netherlands has asked the Netherlands Council for Social Development (Raad voor Maatschappelijke ...

    Publication | 01-01-2003

  10. Health and Behavior

    Eating less, keeping fit(exercising), no smoking, less drinking. These are all well known examples of advices for healthy living ...

    Publication | 10-12-2002