
63 documenten

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  1. The Internet and The State

    The Internet and The State. A Survey of Key Developments,van Eeten, Mueller and van Eijk.

    Publication | 01-11-2014

  2. Patient information

    The organisation of information systems should focus on the patient. A proper information system is of vital importance for the ...

    Publication | 04-07-2014

  3. With the knowledge of tomorrow

    How will Dutch healthcare develop in the long term? And what opportunities and dilemmas must the healthcare system be prepared ...

    Publication | 24-06-2014

  4. Municipal care: Preconditions for the successful decentralisation of long-term healthcare to municip

    The tenability of healthcare spending will pose a problem over the coming decades. Quality and accessibility are currently ...

    Publication | 31-03-2014

  5. Guaranteeing the quality of health care

    Are management boards and supervisory boards equipped to ensure the quality and safety of care, both now and in the future?

    Publication | 19-12-2013

  6. The participating patient

    The introduction of regulated market forces in patient care in 2006 was intended (among other things) to effect a shift from ...

    Publication | 20-06-2013

  7. The importance of mutuality… …solidarity takes work!

    In the Dutch healthcare system, solidarity is premised on the notion that the system belongs to everyone and benefits everyone. ...

    Publication | 30-05-2013

  8. Gateway monitoring

    Effective basic care is important for making care accessible, affordable and good-quality. However, the associated first-line ...

    Publication | 13-12-2012

  9. Offending and mental illness

    The Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport and the State Secretary for Security and Justice have asked the Council for Public ...

    Publication | 31-07-2012

  10. Medical-specialist care in 20/20: a summary

    The medical specialist care landscape in 2020 will look very different from how we know it at present. The need for change is ...

    Publication | 10-11-2011